A critique is not an emotional review. It is intended to be professional, objective and a growth experience. Every so often I have to step back and see where my art has been and where it is going. Sometimes that’s from photo’s of sold paintings but more importantly it’s with my inventory that’s availableand art that I am working on.
I line the pieces up against a wall. Then I put ‘like’ pieces together. The “likes” might be based on the concept or the evolution of a solution to an idea . When I have a group of paintings that are similar to each other I line those up to view the collection.
Then I review the collection and then the individual artwork in terms of concept; content; composition; technique.
Then I critique and assess: how the collection aligns with the story that my series are telling; and I look at the elements within the content - the figures, the colours, the textures, the movement;
I judge the composition - where the focus is, how I lead the eye through and to the focus, what breathing space I give to elements within;
and then technique - whether my skill in execution is improving, is it achieving a portrayal of the emotion and concept I want people to receive, should I look to other artists ? take a course ? practice a technique that will advance both my skill in execution and deliver my ideas in the way I want them to ?
Whether I like a painting or not I evaluate it - sometimes it doesn’t make it to my work for sale, sometimes I rework it, sometimes it inspires a new concept and occasionally I paint over the piece and reuse the canvas.
Collector feedback - comments, analysis and reception by others also feeds my information line on where the work is at or where it’s going.
At the end of this critique session I arrive at realizations, confirmations, affirmations, a to-do list, new directions... in short I continue to develop as an artist.
Do you do this with your own work? Are there other measures you put in place? Sometimes I think it would be simpler to be back in school where we took the work in and had the instructor give their critique on it!