artist statement

artist statement

My art focuses on the strength of individuals and how it affects our relationships. 
In essence, the concept basis to all of my work is communication. For many years I stayed in a horrible relationship. No one knew it was rooted in fear and submission and a seemingly endless cycle of highs and lows. I ended it when I realized I’d rather an end to my life than the never ending threats to end it. Surviving that and then eventually recognizing that I was not the only one that lived like that, had me realize that sharing my story and ongoing efforts to live well, might help others.

I found a voice through my art. Now I don’t hesitate to confront the issues I have (and have had) in relationships, and express them so that others can also look at and draw on their own inner strength. We all have inner strength that is not always readily apparent until we are challenged to negotiate or handle a situation. My art focuses on the strength that dwells within and then explores how it affects the relationships we are in — where one being leaves off and another begins or as they entwine.

Figures and a neutrality to those figures, are essential to share my concepts. I believe there is no better way to demonstrate strength, relationship challenges, options and results, than to strip away ideas of an individual or a culture and reveal the character of being. The colour of skin, shape of body, sexuality and environment that surround the figure(s) need to be accessible. To that end, I work with body-positive images, flesh tones that are not based on anyone’s reality, sometimes intimate body details or poses, often bold and expressive colours and texture.

All of my art is concept-driven. I begin with figures in positions that will express the idea, and then allow the painting to dictate the level of abstraction and colour palette. I’m sure my love of the period of abstract expressionism plays a large part in that, as I look to express and convey emotions with colour and movement. I work in oils, loving the manipulation it allows and the spontaneity it draws out of me. I endeavour to create optimism together with acknowledgment so that we (and I) live our best lives.

I’m not sure when these series will be finished (or if they ever will) so I continue to think out loud through my art.
karen klucowicz, October 2023
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